The easiest way to
work with freelancers

Trusted by

The only end-to-end
freelance solution

Save time, reduce overhead, and get high-quality
results at record speed and scale

Find Talents

The WorkGenius platform has talent that is needed for any project.

Automated matching

Get automatically matched with vetted freelancers in under 48 hours.


We offer streamlined end-to-end management for holistic collaboration with freelancers in one place.

Compliance & Payment

Individual contracts, invoices and NDAs as well as IP rights are managed securely and transparently.

How It Works

Request your personal
platform demo

Join the Future of Work now and let our digital workforce of geniuses take care of your projects.

Find the best freelancers

Post your projects to our platform with a few quick steps, thanks to our proprietary JobWizard. It makes creating briefs simple.

Manage your freelancers

Is working with freelancers time consuming? Not with WorkGenius. We eliminate complexity from the process and make working with freelancers a breeze.

Pay your freelancers

No matter how many freelancers are on your project, you will only ever receive one invoice a month from us. Freelancers are paid within 24 hours, and all invoicing, no matter where the freelancer comes from, is consistent.

Advantage through

Better Quality Freelancers

More than 5 billion data points analyzed across hard and soft skills, for the best match.

Accelerated Time-to-Value

Automated matching finds qualified freelancers within 28 minutes.

Lower Overhead

Reduce your overheads by letting us handle all aspects of freelance collaborations: NDAs, IP rights, KYC, time tracking, and 1099 tax forms.


WorkGenius checks all the boxes: intuitive interface, easy transactions and great support. By far the best freelance platform I have ever used. A must-have for every developer.

WorkGenius solves all my issues. We are very happy with the quality of the results. The design was perfectly aligned to our brand guidelines and the final product was ready within 24 hours of posting the projects online.

WorkGenius is a fantastic resource for me and my team. We can trap into our freelancer team in the cloud at any time and get a great result back within 1-2 days. This is extremely helpful for our growth.

Up until this point, 35% of my time as a freelancer had been eaten up with administrative tasks. With WorkGenius, it's down to under 10%.

It's great to have a team of Geniuses that supports me at any time. I'm super happy with the WorkGenius Freelance Solution and the quality and turnaround time of the results.

Any questions?

What will WorkGenius deliver for me?

Our platform gives you access to 350,000 verified freelancers with skillsets ranging from IT engineering, copywriting, online marketing, business consulting, and more. It starts with us posting a project brief on your behalf, and then matching it with the skills needed for success. Project durations can be flexible too–so whether your needs are just a couple of hours a week, or a longer-term role up to several months, we’ve got you covered.

Can I continue working with my own freelancers?

Yes. With our Freelancer Management feature, you can bring in and manage your own freelancers, as well as acquire new ones through us. In addition, WorkGenius helps you fill jobs quickly and easily, keeps all your communication and results in one place, and manages all your accounts automatically and securely.

What advantages does WorkGenius have over other platforms?

WorkGenius is the only end-to-end solution for working with freelancers: from finding the right talent, to managing your team of geniuses, to handling the entire billing process. WorkGenius combines everything in one clear interface, which you can access from anywhere, saving you time and sparing you the effort of managing freelancers individually.
In short, we match the right genius to your assignment and manage them seamlessly, so you can focus on other areas of your business.

What’s your cost and price structure?

The quick answer is it depends on your needs–our offerings are highly customizable and very competitively priced. We also offer 3 levels of “genius” experience: junior, mid-level and senior, which are also priced differently. One thing we’re confident about is that we save you time and money thanks to our proprietary technology and flexible interface which lower your overheads and reduce the number of tasks you have to do. Get in touch today and we’ll take you through your options.