Become a Freelancer
on WorkGenius

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Why freelancers prefer to work
through WorkGenius

Access to exclusive roles from established and vetted businesses, all across the US

Automatic matching to relevant roles that fit your skill set and experience level. No more wasting time on tedious searches and endless enquiries

Say yes to a matched role, apply with your set rate, get hired, and kick off the engagement the very next day. No more repetitive or tedious paperwork

Payments are easier than ever: get paid within 24 hrs of approval on a 1099 tax form, within a week of approval on a W2 tax form

How It Works

1. Registration

Fill out your profile–it’ll take about 5-10 minutes

2. Complete your profile

Tell us about your skills, experience level, title, daily or hourly rate, and reference–we’ll use them to find the best roles for you. The more details you give us, the better job we can do matching you (please monitor also your spam/promotional folder).

3. Get started

Our matching technology will find the right freelance roles for you with different companies–then pick and choose the roles you like

WorkGenius inspires me to apply my knowledge alongside my studies. I regularly work on jobs like product or company descriptions. Since research is often required, I learn more about almost every job. The most important advantage for me is that I can work from anywhere in the world.


Vienna University of Economics and Business